House rules
Check in/out
Check-in after 15:00
Check-out before 10:00
Deviations by arrangement
Indicate exact arrival time shortly before arrival, for personal reception
Deposit is 300,00 €
Deposit must be paid within 5 days of booking
The remaining amount is to be paid either by bank transfer or cash up to 1 day before departure
Payment of the total amount in advance is also possible
Price on request
During the stay
Maximum 6 guests
No pets
Rest period 22:00-05:00
No parties or events
Commercial photography permitted until further notice
Smoking is prohibited in the accommodation
Observe house rules in the living/dining area
Minimum stay is 3 nights, deviations can be agreed individually
The short bathing jetty (between the longer jetty and the boathouse) is available for guests.
Boats and their accessories are private property, use is prohibited
Before departure
Turn off all devices
Return key
Full refund up to 30 days before arrival (if the total price is paid in advance)
- 50% refund up to 7 days before arrival (if the total price is paid in advance)
- 30% refund from 7 days before arrival (if the total price is paid in advance)
- Full refund of deposit up to 30 days before arrival, non-refundable thereafter
Guests under 18 years of age can only check in with a parent or legal guardian.
Guests must expect that owners of boats, in the boathouse on the property or on the dock, may enter the property unannounced between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. to use their boats.